With bonded relationships with worldwide
air carriers throughout the world offering a full-service logistics package, we have been serving the market with industry experts for over a century.
Mantovani Navigation Aviation provides a comprehensive airport-to-airport service, and we offer the services of the network to a wide range of logistics services providers. With Mantovani Navigation service, all of your shipments are offered with high service standards and under a high level of security management.
Mantovani Navigation service provides cargo aircraft charters for dangerous goods and hazardous materials.
Dangerous-goods shipments require expert knowledge of all forms and shipping guidelines together with professional skills.
With professionally trained representatives, we stay fully up to date on the latest routing restrictions and regulations, meaning we are experts at sourcing the correct aircraft licensed to carry such sensitive packages.
Our areas of expertise include:
Substances with a tendency to spontaneously combust
Toxic and infectious substances
Oxidizing substances and organic peroxides
Radioactive materials
Magnetized materials
Military items
Unlike any other scheduled flight service, a charter flight will depart when you want it to. You are also able to choose your origin and destination. Charter flights are particularly convenient when you need to travel to a city where scheduled airline service may require multiple connections or layovers before you arrive at your destination.